Wednesday, 18 September 2019

Black veil bride

Here stands a bride,

From days gone by.

She still stands,

Bouquet in hand,

Veil undrawn.

She hangs her head,

Afraid that if she looks up,

Reality may hit her harder than she can handle.

She looks through the dark veil.



Nothing but sorrow.

She has seen,



Touched the white veil.

Oh she has loved it.

Here stands,

A bride whose perfect love,

Will cause you nothing but turmoil,

Demons you know not how to fight,

Voices you will not be able to shut,

No matter how hard you try.

Her love,

Though thought pure,

Eats at you,

Smile after smile,

Turned into ache after ache.


Turned into nothing but dust.

Breaks you,

Rips you apart,

Like the thorns in her flower.

You will drink from her fountain,

But your thirst will choke you.

She will embrace you,

But suffocate you.

Touch you,

But scar you.

Shield you,

But stab you.

Here stands a bride of days gone by,

No warm smile,

All that's left,

Heart as cold as stone.