Thursday 7 March 2013


For the first time
In a long time,
I did not think about you with tears in my eyes.

I thought about you with a broad smile.

That is progress right there.
That is growth.

I developed today you see,
I recorded a notable change in my life that well, still involved you.

I can.
I have moved away from you.
I wake up and feel stronger without you.
I don't need you to lift me up anymore.
I can do that all by myself.

It took me too long, I know,
but that's the best way to heal dear.
I took time.

I let myself be sad.
I shed tears for me,
because I gave you too much.

Well, it's alright by me.
Being with you was one of the most amazing bits of my life.

If I could,
I would kill you for how badly it ended,
but that would mean I stain my hands with your blood for the rest of my life.
I gave you too much already,
the rest of my life is something I want to keep to myself.

I hope you have a good life,
and one day come to your senses and do realise,
that when you lost me dear,
you lost a good thing.

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