Monday 19 August 2013


...I fought,
a good fight?
Perhaps not.

Down on my knees,
I shouldn't have brought you in,
I shouldn't have been open,
I sure shouldn't have told you are the best I have seen.

First time I open up to you,
and put myself up for loneliness.
Swirling in the depth of my own tears,
The same road that brought me here
Now all too lonely.

My calm you eroded,
My best you threw away.
I shouldn't have been your bait.

Wipe out all my makeup, 
Make up for all I've lost,
Bun up all my mane,
The freedom of my pony,
That's what I'll emulate.

Lose my sleek gown,
Fold up my farmer's shirt.
Be real to me, myself and I.

If I gave,
You deserved it.

Pull me up, 
Put me down,
A chance I have got, 
To search again,
For love I am yet to know.

Treat me right,
I'll pull you up.
Treat me wrong,
You'll die alone.

My axe is sharper than knife,
My spade all too the same.
Dig it up in depths that my love for you went.

I bury your memories,
Though the love lives on with me.

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